3 oyda IELTS dan 8.0 ball olish uchun 5 qoida!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Registon o`quv markazi va malakali o`qituvchimiz Shahboz Qurbonov ayni vaqtda ingliz tili quyidagi bilish darajalarini egallab turgan o`quvchi yoshlarni va kattalarni turli guruxlarga taklif etadi:
- Intermediate bosqichdagilar uchun 8 oylik IELTS gacha STEADY IELTS
- Upper-Intermediate va Advanced bosqichdagilar uchun 4 oylik IELTS gacha SMOOTH IELTS
- IELTS 5,5 va yuqori ballga ega kandidatlar uchun 1 oyda 1 ball yuqori olishga qaratilgan RAPID IELTS
Darslarimiz xaftada 3 marta bir yarim soatdan olib boriladi. Darslar maxsus IELTS kurslari uchun ishlab chiqilgan Registon o`quv markazining ish rejasi bo`yicha o`tqaziladi. Har oyning yakshanba kunlari IELTS va umumiy ingliz tili o`rganuvchilar uchun quyidagicha rejalashtirilgan.
- Understanding the writing ( academic writing secrets, tips and practice) 3 soat
- Exchanging ideas and debate on modern interesting topics ( speaking skills) 3 soat
- Inspirational psychological training courses and listening practice 3 soat
- Mock IELTS exam 3 soat
All Sundays are enriched with video lessons and entertaining activities
Darslar davomiyligi:
- Pre-Intermediate 2 oy, 30 ta dars 45 soat.
- Intermediate 2 oy, 30 ta dars 45 soat.
- Upper- Intermediate 2 oy, 30 ta dars 45 soat.
- Pre-IELTS course 2 oy, 30 ta dars 45 soat
- IELTS course 3 oy, 45 ta dars 70 soat yoki 2 oy 60 ta dars 90 soat
Har bir o`quvchi kerakli o`quv materiallari bilan kunlik taminlanib boriladi. Ular Cambridge va Oxford nashrlaridan tanlab olingan o`quv materiallaridir. Telegram tarmog`idagi studentlarni jamlagan gurux o`qituvchi bilan uzluksiz aloqada bo`lishni va nazoratni taminlaydi.
Registonning o`qitish uslubining o`zgachaligi bu Pre-Intermediate bosqichidan toki kerakli sertifikatni olguncha faqat bir o`qituvchining darsni olib borishidadir. Bunda o`quvchi va ustoz o`rtasida yaqin munosabat va ishonch ortadi. Qanchalik bilish o`quvchini ustozga yuklamalar sathini keraklicha belgilashga imkon yaratadi. Endi qisqacha IELTS instructor haqida:

Ingliz tili va IELTS da qisqa muddatda yuqori ko`zlangan maqsadga erishish uchun 4 yillik ish tajribasiga tayanib Mr Shahboz quyidagi 5 ta mashg`ulotni har bir o`rganuvchiga har kunlik odatga aylanishini kafolatlaydi va bu yutuqning 30 foizini tashkil etishini takidlaydi. Ular:
Read the daily news online; first read the headlines then go for all top stories that call your attention. Afterwards read them in depth, underline the most essential unknown words to memorize later. Finally, peruse other sections (business, economics, etc.) spend 30 minutes
Watch TV shows that interest you. While watching pay attention to the words, phrases and idioms usage, tone of voice and body language. Sometimes pause the video and imitate them.
Make sentences. Throughout the day make sentences in your mind about what is happening around you as you find yourself doing nothing special. Always everywhere think in English. Make sure that you don`t put your life in danger though.
Recap your day. At the end of the day especially before you go to sleep tell yourself every single thing happened with you. Make the description interesting and give detailed information as much as possible. Aim to do this for about 5-10 minutes.
Cue cards. All the new words come from lessons and news go onto small paper cards which are main tools to memorize them. You need to carry them everywhere to revise as soon as you have chance.